A winning submission from the ShoreRivers 2022 photo contest. For a chance to have your photograph featured, submit a picture of your local watershed to the 2023 contest. Details and contest rules can be found at shorerivers.org/photo-contest.
Have you ever been told you have an eye for capturing the moment? Perhaps a passion for photography? Do you love your local waterways and want to promote and protect them? ShoreRivers is running its annual photo contest from August through October, so snap a picture and send it our way! Your photo could be seen across the Eastern Shore—contest photos are featured in ShoreRivers’ print and digital publications as well as at our events, which collectively reach thousands of people each year.
Another winning submission from the ShoreRivers 2022 photo contest.
We are looking for images that highlight the beauty and resilience of the Eastern Shore waterways that ShoreRivers works to protect and restore through science-based advocacy, restoration, and education. We are particularly interested in images of people—show us how you enjoy the places we all love! Shore rivers are your rivers, and we want to see how you engage with the natural resources that we all strive to conserve.
Contest winners will be announced December 1 via email and on social media. Winners will be chosen based on how well their images reflect the mission and values of ShoreRivers. There will be four winners for each watershed—Choptank; Miles, Wye, and Eastern Bay; Sassafras and Bayside Creeks; and Chester—for a total of 16 winners.
Photographers will be credited for their work and may submit up to four photos. Images must be taken in ShoreRivers’ geography. For additional contest rules and details, please visit shorerivers.org/photo-contest.