water quality
From Cecilton to Cambridge and everywhere in between, ShoreRivers staff and volunteer citizen scientists monitor water quality throughout the Chester, Choptank, Miles, Wye, and Sassafras rivers, the Bayside Creeks, and Eastern Bay. We evaluate the water for common indicators including dissolved oxygen, nutrient pollution, algae, pH, and clarity.
We use our monitoring data to develop our annual Report Card, track trends in water quality, identify and mitigate pollution sources, and strategically prioritize restoration efforts. Our data are relied on by state and federal agencies and are used to support our policy and advocacy efforts region-wide.
The ShoreRivers water quality monitoring program is based on scientific protocols developed by the Mid-Atlantic Tributary Assessment Coalition (MTAC). Each staff member and volunteer who participates in water quality monitoring is oriented with technical training and must attend and pass an annual training workshop to ensure all data points collected are accurate. All data points are collected and reviewed as part of our Quality Assurance Program.
Water Quality Videos

Thanks to funding from the Chesapeake Bay Trust & Chesapeake Oyster Alliance, and in partnership with NOAA and the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, ShoreRivers has been monitoring each of the local oyster sanctuary reefs where we plant oysters.
January, 2024

Hear about the health of our rivers from your four Riverkeepers and special guests Nancy Cordes (CBS), Ann Swanson (Chesapeake Bay Commission), and Nick Carter (MD DNR).
May, 2021

Due to COVID-19 our annual State of the Rivers in 2020 took place virtually. View it here!
May, 2020