The Eastport Oyster Boys and the Wye River Band will perform at the annual Shaw Bay Raft-Up Concert near the mouth of the Wye River on Saturday, September 7, from 3–6 pm.
Celebrate the end of summer with ShoreRivers at the Shaw Bay Raft-Up Concert from 3–6 pm on Saturday, September 7. The Eastport Oyster Boys will be making their 21st appearance and the Wye River Band will be back for their fifth at this free concert, which aims to raise funds and awareness for clean water efforts on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
This annual benefit concert is a must for mariners of all kinds. Boat in to Shaw Bay near the mouth of the Wye River and then join the floating raft up on your dinghy, paddle board, or kayak to enjoy a front row seat to the live concert. Visit to find sponsorship opportunities, a map of nearby locations from which to launch your vessel, and to sign up to receive text updates on the event.
While the concert is free, donations are welcome, with all proceeds helping to promote the clean water initiatives of ShoreRivers on the Miles and Wye rivers and in Eastern Bay. ShoreRivers is grateful for the generous sponsorship of John & Jill Murray, St. Michaels Marina, Bosun’s Marine, and Leigh Family & Cosmetic Dentistry.
ShoreRivers is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting Maryland’s Eastern Shore waterways through science-based advocacy, restoration, education, and engagement. Our local waterways are polluted by excess nutrients and sediment that run off of urban, suburban, agricultural, and commercial land. ShoreRivers is dedicated to implementing real solutions through programs and projects to improve the health of these waterways. To learn more, please visit
To sign up to receive Shaw Bay Raft-Up Concert updates, text shawbayconcert to 443.302.3844. Event questions may be directed to Courtney Leigh at