Three service positions available for young people ages 18–25 through the Chesapeake Bay Trust. APPLICATIONS DUE BY MARCH 6, 2025.
Request for Qualifications: Design and/or Implementation of Restoration Projects
Issue Date: October 3, 2024
Submission Date: October 31, 2024
1) overview
ShoreRivers protects Eastern Shore waterways through science based advocacy, restoration, education, and community engagement. ShoreRivers works with a diverse group of public and private stakeholders and funders to advance implementation of conservation projects to improve water quality and habitat.
The purpose of this request for qualifications (RFQ) is to identify qualified design and/or construction firms to assist ShoreRivers in developing and executing design and/or implementation restoration projects for federal or state grants/awards/contracts. The geographic focus of this RFQ is the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Delaware. The selected design and/or construction partner(s) will assist with wetland restoration/creation, stream restoration, and living shoreline projects funded through such entities as Chesapeake Bay Trust, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Maryland Department of the Environment, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), United States Environmental Protection Agency, Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), and Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
ShoreRivers is seeking to competitively qualify 3 to 6 design and/or implementation partners with expertise in project development, survey, design, permitting, construction/implementation, maintenance, monitoring, and long-term management of wetland restoration, stream restoration, and living shoreline projects. The selected firms will assist with the development of federal and state grant funded proposals and, if those grants are awarded, the execution of the proposed projects.
This RFQ is public and competitive based on qualifications outlined in subsequent sections. Project values for this RFQ are typically between $30,000 and $2,000,000. Selected firms will be considered a qualified contractor to ShoreRivers for a period of three years without having to reapply.
All inquiries related to this RFQ are to be directed via email to Timothy Rosen, ShoreRivers Director of Agriculture and Restoration ShoreRivers, at
Submissions must be made electronically to Timothy Rosen at All submissions must be in PDF format, by 3:00 PM on October 31. Hard copies will not be accepted. An email will be sent to confirm submission has been received on time.
C.) late responses
Late responses will not be accepted and will not be opened.
D.) review and selection
The goal of ShoreRivers contracting and procurement is to ensure the best use of public and private funds that follows the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) procurement guidelines. This is a public and competitive RFQ and ShoreRivers will use a fair, ethical, responsible, and transparent request and review process.
Proposals will be reviewed by ShoreRivers staff. The reviewers will check responses for completeness based on the requested items below. Proposals that are missing required components will be disqualified. Proposals submitted that meet the criteria might be followed up with a request for a virtual meeting before final selection of qualified firms. This RFQ is not a binding contract to purchase goods or services.
3) proposals/services
Responses shall include the following information that will be utilized by the selection committee to determine qualifications and rankings:Firms that are qualified through this RFQ will be expected to perform the tasks outlined below, with the precise scope to be detailed in written contract(s) on a per project proposal basis. ShoreRivers maintains all final approval on design approach, details, construction, and adaptive management decisions, and contractors will work closely with and defer to the ShoreRivers Project Manager to ensure project integrity, preserve the restoration intent, and to maintain quality control on all aspects of design and construction.
a) Grant Proposal Development
i) Meet with ShoreRivers staff to discuss future projects and funding opportunities and discuss the status of proposals that are being worked on jointly.
ii) Prepare concept level drawings of proposed restoration practices including but not limited to wetlands, stream restoration, urban green stormwater, and living shorelines.
iii) Prepare price budget(s) based on guidance from ShoreRivers staff that includes items such as but not limited to all design components/deliverables, insurance, permitting, and implementation.
iv) Coordinate with regulators, government officials, communities and other stakeholders who will play important roles in permitting.
v) Assist ShoreRivers staff in the writing, editing, and development of necessary content for each grant proposal.
b) Funded Design
i) Complete 100% permitted design on a fixed price and/or full delivery basis assuming all project-based risk and financial liability.
ii) Coordinate with all permitting agencies and file and secure all necessary documents/information/approvals.
iii) Complete final 100% construction ready and permitted drawings that achieve the primary goals/objectives and metrics, such as, but not limited to, estimated pounds. of nutrients and sediment reduced and habitat acres, as outlined in the funded proposal.
iv) Complete the design under the agreed upon budget with the understanding that funds are limited by the final approved grant budget and ShoreRivers cannot pay more than what is budgeted in the funding grant.
v) Respondents should indicate whether they have the capacity to assume all project-based costs and work under “pay for performance” models, in the event such funding arrangements are applicable This capacity is not a qualifier under this RFQ and will not influence whether a respondent is deemed qualified under other funding arrangements.
vi) Provide engineering oversight during project construction.
vii) Complete and submit as-built drawings.
c) Funded Implementation/Construction
i) Complete 100% constructed restoration project and/or permit required monitoring and/or maintenance on a fixed price and/or full delivery basis (i.e. receive payment as environmental outcomes are achieved and verified), assuming all project based risk and financial liability.
ii) Prior to construction, coordinate with ShoreRivers and permitting agencies to schedule and attend a pre-construction meeting.
iii) Oversee all construction activities, including furnishing all services and materials needed to complete the project.
iv) Coordinate with ShoreRivers throughout the entire construction process and supply updates per contract.
v) If required, complete mandatory monitoring per permit and any maintenance requirements, prepare and submit performance reports to permitting agencies and ShoreRivers staff to review.
4) evaluation criteria
a) General Qualifications
i) Recent (within the last three years) experience in delivering wetland, stream, and/or living shoreline designs and/or implementation.
ii) Willing to travel across Maryland’s Eastern Shore and Delaware and have in-person meetings in Easton, MD, Chestertown, MD, and/or Galena, MD as well as at project sites.
b) Experience
i) Demonstrated experience in the design, permitting, budgeting, implementation, and long-term monitoring and maintenance of restoration/conservation projects on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and/or Delaware.
ii) Experience working with grant funding from, but not limited to, Chesapeake Bay Trust, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, United States Department of Agriculture, Maryland Department of Agriculture, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Maryland Department of the Environment, and Delaware Natural Resources and Environmental Control.
iii) Adequate basis of insurance, assets, and/or bonding to pursue one or more project types as described previously.
iv) Experience implementing fixed price and/or full delivery contracts (see 3.c.i) for the types of projects described previously.
v) Ability to accept payment on a reimbursement basis with the ability to remain flexible due to unpredictable timing of federal and/or state payments.
vi) Ability to adhere to all federal and/or state regulations/provisions for contracting, subcontracting, and furnishing materials, as specified in any particular grant that is funding a project. Such pass-through regulations/provisions will be specified by ShoreRivers at the time of contracting for each project.
vii) Experience working with agricultural landowners and farmers.
5) submission requirements
a) Please fill out the narrative form attached to this RFQ that includes
i) Identification of services (design, design/build, build) your firm is interested in being considered for.
ii) Identification of project types your firm is interested in being considered for.
iii) At least three examples of each project type your firm has selected with identification of services provided (design, design/build/construction).
iv) Resumes of key team members.
v) Approximate cost for “typical” grant tasks with the understanding that actual scope and costs will be agreed upon based on project-specific details after the firm is deemed qualified and grant funding is secured.
vi) Disclosure of all conflicts of interest.
vii) Attach a short written narrative in addition to the Narrative Form that covers 4. Evaluation Criteria.
6) equal opportunity
Equal opportunity is a fundamental principle at ShoreRivers, where selection of contractors is based upon capabilities and qualifications without discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or identity, age, national origin, marital status, citizenship, disability, military status or any other protected characteristic as established by law. ShoreRivers conducts its activities and practices in a manner that fully complies with all federal, state, and local laws governing equal opportunity.
Some grantors set procurement guidelines for different inclusion goals such as, but not limited to, minority and/or women owned businesses and ShoreRivers will comply with each funding agency's solicitation requirements. Due to the variability of procurement requirements, for the purposes of this RFQ, there are no set inclusion goal requirements.
7) conflict of interest
ShoreRivers actively avoids any relationship or activity that might impair, or even appear to impair, the company's ability to make objective and fair decisions. Respondents should take conflict of interest seriously and disclose any actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest that could harm ShoreRivers if a working agreement is executed. This should be included in the application package and ShoreRivers will consider the degree of potential conflict and decide if this precludes the respondent from working with ShoreRivers.
8) limitations
ShoreRivers reserves the right to select and reject respondents at its discretion or terminate this request at any time. If the number or quality of respondents does not achieve ShoreRivers RFQ goals then this same request will be reopened. Firms may re-apply to the reopened RFQ with updated or corrected material and be re-evaluated by ShoreRivers.
Neither this RFQ or any subsequent follow up, unless explicitly stated, constitutes a contract between ShoreRivers and the respondent. Selection of a firm by ShoreRivers does not guarantee a contract, which is dependent on securing funding on a per project basis. Final contracting, project scope, and fees will vary depending on funding source. ShoreRivers reserves the right to award any or all specific project contracts outside of this RFQ through a standard bid process, and does not guarantee any specific project contracts as a result of this RFQ process. Each restoration project contract award budget and scope of work will be reviewed by ShoreRivers and negotiated before a contract is signed.
Proposals that are late or do not cover everything requested in this RFQ will be disqualified and not reviewed.