On Saturday, May 31, participate in the Maryland Freedom Swim on the Choptank River, held between the spans of the Frederick C. Malkus Jr. bridge from the the Talbot County side to the Sailwinds Park beach access point on the Dorchester County side. This two-mile trip across the Choptank and will be supported by paddle craft, motor craft, and the U.S. Coast Guard.
Experience is required—participants must provide proof of open water swimming experience (triathlon, open water swim events, etc) or that they have successfully completed a one-mile pool swim in one hour to info@tcreventmanagement.com. Please keep in mind that if you do a pool swim, you should aim to be able to swim this two-mile course continuously, as there will not be any places to stop and rest on the course.
A portion of the proceeds from this race will go to ShoreRivers.