Please note: This workshop is open to homeschool providers, classroom teachers, and non-formal environmental educators.
Join us for a day at the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center, engaging side by side with scientists and educators from Stroud Water Research Center and ShoreRivers as we embark on a hands-on journey exploring the impact of climate change on tidal wetlands.
Participants will:
Engage with scientists to learn about the importance of estuaries and how climate change impacts them
Explore an estuary, collecting and analyzing water and soil samples with activities you can replicate with students.
Collaboratively model how to incorporate these topics into issue investigations and phenomena-based learning curricula.
This is a free workshop, but space is limited and registration is required. The first 15 educators to register will receive a $215 stipend. Lunch will be provided.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Division of Earth Sciences under Grant No. 2049073.